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Raised sleeper bed and planting February 2022 01a-min.jpg

Garden restoration for the soft and hard landscape

Landscape restoration, reshaping and improvement services helping to create restored, renewed, updated and low maintenance gardens

Garden Restoration Services

There are so many things we can do to renew, restyle, redefine and improve a gardens landscape. Garden restoration and rejuvenating is always worth considering before hitting the 'delete' button. You don't necessarily need a brand new garden to create a new garden. Our starting point is in taking a good look at the potential gardens landscape and natural contents already has to offer. Exploring the options for retaining, repurposing, improving as our first port-of-call. For ideas, inspiration and suggestions of how you can restore or improve your garden please our list of the garden restoration services we can provide below:

Restoration of raised, sleeper beds and planters 

Raised beds, railway sleeper beds & planters can be treated and painted, have sections replaced, extended or removed.

Restoration & Reshaping of the natural landscape

Natural beds can be weeded, cleared, rotavated and reconditioned with unwanted plants removed with existing plants re-planted in a new planting arrangement.

Shrubs and trees can be reduced and reshaped or removed to introduce light or open up space, create new journeys through the garden creating a lighter, airier, wider space.

Ponds and natural or wild areas can be restored, reshaped or re-tasked to create something new

Climbing shrubs pruned, reshaped and retrained with trellis or wire supports replaced or installed to provide shape, structure and support. 

Low maintenance weed prevention installation

Weed membrane can be introduced or replaced. Installed to the horticultural standard of 'around the planted contents rather than buried under the soil system. With appropriate decorative toppings such as hardy marine bark or large stones to help prevent weeds and unwanted plants establishing the membrane.

Garden watering and sprinkler system installations

Automatic watering systems and sprinkler systems can be installed to help support & maintain the planted contents and help in creating a low maintenance, self supporting garden.

Restoration of patios and pathways

Patios and pathways can be restored or lifted and reused. Laid in a different shape or used to create new features.

Lawns, turf and turfing

Replacement and re-turfing of lawns and existing hard landscape or grassy areas replaced with turf.

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